Saturday, July 25, 2009


Get Paid Discuss & Upload Photos
MyLot is FuN and a great way to make money. It pays members for posting and answering discussions.
So if you wish to make money today, Join me at MyLot
Where MyLotters matter

Be social and get paid

Get paid for being social!!!!
You get points for being Social, and then Redeem them for Rewards.

Be Social and you will get points! Here is a breakdown on some ways you can get points:

- Signing In
- Messaging Friends
- Commenting
- Updating your Status
- Updating your Mood
- Updating your MyLife
- Posting Topics
- Starting Groups
- Starting Polls
- Talking in Chatroom
- Rating
- Telling your Friends about us
- Verifying your Picture
- Buying/Selling Socints
- and many other ways!

Some reward examples include Ipods, Paypal Credits, etc!

Join at :

Trek Pay Payouts every week

Trek Pay Payouts every week
TrekPay operates differently than other search engines, we actually target the Ads on our Client's websites.
Our Clients have been asked to describe the type of advertising they display on their websites and when a search is requested a list of websites with Ads that match your search will be displayed.
You are invited to go to these websites and click on these search related Ads.
Our Clients make money from showing you these Ads. We in turn make money from these Clients and "profit share" with all our members.
The higher your ranking the more you can earn.

How to make sure you are taking all the points from the ad?
Simply make sure you read the instructions:
See the picture for clarification: